Calling All Javascript Programmers


If you're not interested in javascript apps or web 2.0 (AJAX) type stuff, then this ain't for you... but if you are... you've just got to check out jQuery<br /><br />h*ttp://<br /><br />I've built a few apps over the past six months and really had to teach myself some of the intricacies of DOM javascript methods. At the same time, I got interested in AJAX, and what all the fuss was about. <br /><br />When I ran across jQuery I really didn't give it much attention the first time because I had already seen Prototype, Scriptaculous, Rico, moo.fx, Sack, and other AJAX libraries.<br /><br />jQuery is really, really slick.<br /><br />It's the Swiss Army Knife of javascript. One you 'get it' you can do so much with it... and it's a very small snippet of code.<!--content-->
Very simple indeed. I love AJAX and can quite easily see what all the fuss is about.<br /><br />Thanks Jack!<br /><br />JimE<!--content-->
Does this forum use AJAX to quick-edit posts?<!--content-->
It appears so. If you look in the source code of Invision Power Board's html, you'll see js with functions like<br /><br /><!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->function ajax_request()<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><!--content-->