Calling a URL from within a form (onSubmit)


Staff member
Anybody know how I can jump to a URL while calling a script using HTML within a form?? I can't use the script to call the URL, it has to be done within this line.<br />
i.e.<form name="Subscribe" method="post" action="" onSubmit="return finalCheck(this);"> (then goto <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->)<br />
<br />
Any help please?<!--content-->not unless you can edit the javascript that it is calling.<!--content-->Thanks for replying Scout :D <br />
Yes, I can edit the javascript that is being called from this page but unfortunatly the site I then wish to go to (Netbanx)requires that the link to themselves comes from a valid URL and not a script (for security reasons). They use their own code to check this. I have had to notify them of this source URL.<br />
All I am trying to do is collect a customers requirements via a form which is linked to a script which Emails me and then forwarding them on to Netbanks for the credit card transaction.<br />
Sounds dead simple but I am having a real struggle with one. Any help would be greatly appreciated.<br />
Dave<!--content-->on second thought, is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> your site? if so then in bizmail.cgi you have to edit it so it sends them to the site you want after it emails you.<br />
<br />
<br />
use CGI qw/:standard/;<br />
<br />
my $url = '';<br />
print redirect($url);<br />
<br />
you need to add that as that will forward them to Netbanx<!--content-->Thanks again scoutt.<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> is not mine, just a made up one, I wish it was though, sounds good .....<br />
The problem is that Netbanx do not seem to allow a redirect from a script, I did have the redirect within the bizmail.cgi script but I just get an error from the Netbanx server.<br />
I hope I am not missing something very basic here, I just seem to going round in circles.<br />
Dave<!--content-->where does netbanx expect it to come from?<!--content-->Yes you are right, where DO Netbanx expect it to come from?<br />
err, like I said, I think I am missing something very basic. I will go back to my script and see where I have gone wrong, It must be that I am making a stupid mistake.<br />
I will let you know, thanks for your help.<br />
Dave<!--content-->well then it sounds to me that you need to talk to netbanx and ask them where they expect it to come from if it can't come from a script. can't exatly expect the user to click on a link to send important info.<br />
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that form is a script so what is different about that. you might add a form at the end of your script and then have the user press the button but still, netbanx is being rediculous.<!--content-->I have Emailed Netbanx with the problem.<br />
For a temporary solution I set up a quick page with a link the user has to click on, and this works!<br />
So it looks like any call from a script will not work, I am eagerly awaiting Netbanx response, I can't imagine all their users have to use this method, or maybe as I said, I am being thick!<br />
Thanks<br />
Dave<!--content-->Thanks for all your help scoutt.<br />
As I suspected, I had been a T**T, it was the fact that I had supplied Netbanx with a <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="https://www1/securesiteserver">https://www1/securesiteserver</a><!-- m --> address when in fact I was sending from the non-secure address that the script was directing from, sorry to give you hassle on my stupid mistake.<br />
It's all a learning curve, the trigger was when you said "Where do they expect it to come from?"<br />
One day, I hope to get it all right! One day maybe.. lol<br />
Thanks again<br />
Dave<!--content-->:) no problem. that is what we are here for, to learn.<br />
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glad you got it figured out.<!--content-->Thanks for your time m8.<br />
I am sure I will be back very soon for more advice though..<br />