calling a smil-file from an another smil-file


New Member
hello all!

I need your help!
I have a large smil-file with over 40 <par>-section in
it (please look at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)
Now I want smaller smil-files.
It is possible to call a smil-file from an other
smil-file and in this smil-file it is calling an other
smil-file and so on?

Or can I make a *master*-smil-file that calling
another smile-files?

It must be possible that the smil-file plays one song
after the another song, like a *radio* and the user
can jump to the next song with the skip-buttons (like
the original smil-file *hyperfantasy43.smil*).

Thank you for your help!!!

Best regards,
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