calling a new window and defining its size


i have an image map, that i want to use to link different parts to a new window with expanded information. how do a.) call for a new window and b.) define the size of the window?<br />
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TIA<!--content-->May be you wanna taka a look at the link below.<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ndow2.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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Links on the above page show functionality to resize a new window dynamically depending upon the size, and another link displays in addtion to the above how to open a centralised window with reference to the whole screen.<!--content-->would this line of code work?<br />
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<area shape="rect" href="locations.html" onclick=",'child', 'height=500,width=400'); return false" window.moveTo(40,40) coords="358, 378 453, 402"><!--content-->tiny bit of a change...<br />
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<area shape="rect" href="locations.html" onclick=",'child', 'height=500,width=400'); window.moveTo(40,40);return false;" coords="358, 378 453, 402"> <br />
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the above should work.....<!--content-->