Call ListItem Present in BulletedList in CS file


New Member
net I have the following BulletedList in my aspx file\[code\]<asp:BulletedList ID="DocumentList" runat="server" DisplayMode="LinkButton" onclick="DocumentList_Click"> <asp:ListItem Value="" Text="testpage.pdf" >test page</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value="" Text="testpage2.pdf">test page 2</asp:ListItem></asp:BulletedList>\[/code\]What I want to do is in my CS file, I would like to assing the below\[code\]Sting filepath = // here i want to get the ListItem ValueSting filename = // here i want to get the file name present in Listitem text.\[/code\]How do i get the above two values in the below button click event.\[code\]protected void DocumentList_Click(object sender, BulletedListEventArgs e){}\[/code\]