call jquery dialog from website url


New Member
I'm trying to make something like that: you can see, "registration" is in a jquery dialog, which can be opened by clicking on regiser button inside the website. Until now i'm good:\[code\]<a onClick="showDialog({$product['id']});">More Info </a>\[/code\]My Head contains:\[code\]function showDialog(productID){ $( "#dialog-modal_"+productID ).dialog({ width: 770, height: 590, modal: true, open: function(event, ui){ } });}\[/code\]And of course i have the div:\[code\]<div id="dialog-modal_{$product['id']}" style="display: none;"><iframe src="{$product['id']}" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> </div>\[/code\]But what I want to do, is to call that jquery specific dialog, by website url: #registration.How can i do it?Thanks a lot!