New Member
I have a set of rather static pages wich I moved to the views/pages folder. The resulting *.ctp files are editable by my customer through CushyCMS (simplistic cms perfect for dummy proof editing). However CushyCMS generated preview links that obviously don't take CakePHP into account. I would like to solve this little problem with custom routing, but can't get my head around the details..How can I dynamically connect the url http://localhost:8888/cake125/app/views/pages/test.ctp to http://localhost:8888/cake125/pages/test?I added the following in my routes.php:\[code\]Router::connect('/pages/test.ctp', array( 'controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display', 'test'));\[/code\]This works ok for connecting: http://localhost:8888/cake125/pages/test.ctp to http://localhost:8888/cake125/pages/test. Somehow following snibbet doesn't do the trick:\[code\]Router::connect('/app/views/pages/test.ctp', array( 'controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display', 'test'));\[/code\]Ideally I'd like to have a single Router::connect statement which connects all /app/views/pages/*.ctp requests to the right place.Finally I would also like to correctly handle google search results for the old version of the site. Like so:\[code\]Router::connect('/test.html', array( 'controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 'display', 'test'));\[/code\]This works ok but I'd rather have anypage.html connect to /pages/anypage. Can anyone help with this?Thanks in advance!