CakePHP: Few questions about models, controllers an retrieving data


New Member
Again me. I was using for a bit long time KohanaPHP and just can't get familiar with CakePHP, but working with it it's a pleasure for me.First of all, I retrieve data from model, send it via controller to view and now got question. Do I really need to use following syntax of data in foreach loop?\[code\]$item['Model']['field']\[/code\]It's a bit strange for me that I cannot use simply:\[code\]$item['field']\[/code\]Second question... I need to use text core helper. Can I use it in view? I'm asking cause I got error about trying to use on a non-object.I'm sorry for such newbie questions, but I was out of the coding game for over three years (worked as teacher) and it's really hard to get it sorted out.Thanks!