Caching prevention


Hi all ;)<br />
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I need some help with the following:<br />
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I have a JAVA applet on page, which I don't want to be cached by browser.<br />
Is there any possibility how to tell the browser not to cache an applet (I mean a property of the <applet> tag, ets.) ?<br />
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The html page the applet is used on, does have following meta tags setting:<br />
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="0"><br />
<META http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"><br />
<META http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache"><br />
<br />
so the html file itself is not cached, but when I call:<br />
<br />
<applet name='test' archive="../class/test.jar" ...><br />
<br />
the test.jar file is always cached.<br />
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Can anybody help me, how to prevent the caching of the .jar file ?<br />
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Thank you.<br />
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Regards,<br />
Marek Mahdal<br />
Slovakia<!--content-->You cannot keep browsers from caching anything. You can ask but they won't always comply. For non-HTML files you need to adjust the HTTP header that your server pre-pends to the file. If you just want to avoid the possibility of browsers not Download <!--more-->ing the newest version of your applet then send a really old date or set the date to '0'. And know that anything that you might want to put in an HTTP-EQUIV META element, you can put in the HTTP header.<!--content-->Thank you ;)<br />
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Do you know how do I pre-pend a header to .jar file-type in Apache ? Is there a Apache module for it, ro do I have to programm one ?<!--content-->I don't know how to that actually, but I do know that, above, I should have written 'Expires' where I wrote 'Date'.<!--content-->Thanks ;)<br />
I found the Apache Module. You can find the description at<br />
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