Cached dataset get all rows deleted randomly


New Member
I'm programing a REST WCF service in .net. I'm caching a big dataset with the following line:\[code\]HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert("recipes", myDataset, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(6), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.High, null);\[/code\]The data get's cached but when I have another request to the service the ROWS of this cached dataset have dissapeared. It's a very strange behaviour. The Cached Dataset is there, so if we check if it's null it returns FALSE. But all the data has been zapped from the tables. There are no rows. The columns are there, but not the row content.To make it a little bit more strange this happens randomly. I could be debugging for 10 minutes doing the same request, and suddenly it gets deleted. Or, it can get deleted just after a call.If I attach a callback event to check when the data gets deleted it never fires, as the cached Dataset is not removed from the cache. Only it's data.Is there anything that can explain this behaviour? Is it a feature? Is it a bug?