Cache Problem???


Ok here is the situation:<br />
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I have an html page with four links. Each link opens a Flash preloader, that then loads and opens another flash movie. This part works fine.<br />
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If these links open the preloaders on the same page the problem doesn't occur. The problem does occur when they open the preloaders in _blank pages.<br />
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The Problem:<br />
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When a user opens a preloader, and closes it before it loads all of the way, then does two more times, the next attempt I.E. freezes up and won't open anything. So when a user attempts to open 4 preloader pages, but closes the first three pages before they load all of the way the fourth freezes up.<br />
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If the pages are allowed to load all of the way, the error doesn't occur. If the pages are loaded into the same page and the back button is used to get back to the links page, the error doesn't occur.<br />
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My Thoughts:<br />
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It seems to me that the partially loaded data from the pages is being stored in a cache or something like that and when the amount of info gets to be too much, I.E. doesn't know what to do.<br />
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To end a long winded post. Does this make sense? And is there anyway to clear this cache when a user closes a page? window.onClose.clearCache or something?<br />
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Thanks.<br />
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_t<!--content-->Question #1 is, "What happens when this same scenario plays out on browsers other than IE?"<!--content-->To further your hatred of Microsoft, the answer is the same problem didn't follow the page when using Netscape.<br />
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Although, what it seesm to be doing is holding the partially loaded info, which does get counted if you then attempt to open the same page and continue picks up where it left off.<br />
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Unfortunatly for me, I still need to deal with this as an issue with IE browsers.<br />
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Any thoughts?<br />
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_t<!--content-->I was just trying to establish whether the blame belongs with IE or Flash. Do all the pages involved have the "don't cache this" meta tag set in them? (pragma, expires, cache-control, etc.)<!--content-->Don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to get at you about IE. Checking the problem against other browsers was an excellent idea.<br />
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I would say that those meta tags aren't set.<br />
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><br />
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That is the only meta tag that I could find.<br />
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As you may have guessed, I only know the basics of HTML coding, could you please explain how I would set the meta tags you referenced and what they do?<br />
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Thanks for your time and use of your brain.:D <br />
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_t<!--content-->They are HTML tag representations of HTTP headers; specifically those headers that should be acted on by network routing devices. They all have the form:<br />
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<meta http-equiv="http-header-type" content="associated-content"><br />
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This page (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->) has a pretty good discussion of what you may need to consider.<!--content-->Thanks for the link to the info. I tried changing the meta tags to no-chache, but the problem remains.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
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To see what I am talking about go to the above link.<br />
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Click on any of the links there. Close the page before the preloader fully loads the page. Open another link and close it before fully loading. Do this a third time. On the fourth try, IE won't open any more pages, it just sits there spinning away. Try the same thing using Netscape and it works fine.<br />
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Any other thoughts on what might be causing this problem?<br />
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Thanks.<br />
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_t<!--content-->I'm afraid it just sounds like an IE bug to me. Have you tried more than one version?<!--content-->More than one version of I.E.? No I haven't, but I may try that.<br />
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Thanks for your help. If I do find a solution, I'll be sure to post it.<br />
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