Cache Javascript/jquery events


New Member
Not too sure what to call this, but here is my abstracted problem:When going back and forward, why will some browsers not remember what was open and others will?For example,Given the following:html\[code\]<h2>&raquo; <a href="" id="clickMe">Click Me</a></h2><div id="hiddenContent"> <h2> Meaty Filler </h2> <p> Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet deserunt venison dolor meatball laboris short loin dolore capicola prosciutto. Tongue cillum salami, drumstick strip steak do spare ribs ball tip proident short loin ullamco ex tempor. Fugiat labore in ut quis ribeye turducken pig beef. Corned beef ham proident, nisi adipisicing bresaola irure kielbasa pig. T-bone nisi ham hock consequat laborum est exercitation dolor shoulder biltong velit qui sunt. Ut chuck esse short ribs turducken, pork loin id. </p> <p>Nulla sunt aute meatloaf drumstick pork. Drumstick deserunt capicola aliqua flank leberkas brisket consectetur. Pork belly meatloaf proident, deserunt tri-tip voluptate aliqua. Commodo minim consequat, shoulder tenderloin eiusmod laborum excepteur flank reprehenderit in. </p> &raquo; <a href=""> Get Me Some Bacon</a></div> ?\[/code\]javascript/jquery\[code\]$('#clickMe').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#hiddenContent').fadeToggle(); })?\[/code\]css\[code\]#hiddenContent {display: none; border: 1px solid #ccc; background: #fcfcfc; padding: 1em; margin: 2em; border-radius: .25em; box-shadow: 2px 5px 10px #DBDBDB;} #hiddenContent:hover { background: #FBFBFB; } h2 { font: 1.5em/1.75em Georgia, serif; } p { margin: 0 0 1em; font: 1em/1.25em Georgia, serif; text-align: justify; } a { color: #444; text-decoration: none;} a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: #222; }?\[/code\]When I click on "Get Me Some Bacon" and hit the back button, chromium and IE8 will not remember that \[code\]#hiddenContent\[/code\] was open, and no longer hidden, but firefox will. Ideally, I would prefer to mimic the behavior of firefox, but am not sure if I am able to. Is this possible?here is a NON WORKING jsfiddle. It will not work as jsfiddle explicitly reloads the page when you hit back, but in my (struts -- java based) web application I have set the response to explicitly cache.