Ok here is my problem[or you can sat awkward question), I have a label I have created a link for it, working example below:\[code\]string strLinkBegin = "<a href='"; //string strLinkMid = "'>"; string strLinkMid = "' target='_blank'>"; string strLinkEnd = "</a>"; string strQuerystring = ""; strQuerystring = "somePage.aspx" + "?AMode=" + "Update" + "&someID=" + hdnsomeLink.Value; lblFromDesc.Text = strLinkBegin + strQuerystring + strLinkMid + hdnFromDescText.Value + strLinkEnd;\[/code\]Real question: can I write something similar to code you see below in a label and when user clicks it it executes? I know I can program through link button but was interested if its possible to do the same thing in a label.\[code\]someclass WTRadWindow = new someclass();WTRadWindow.OpenUpdateForm(Page, hdnToDescLinkURL.Value, 350, 263);\[/code\]