C# ODBC ConnectionString


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I was currently create a ODBC Connection to the remote server of the web-hosting.The Access File is at the ftp home directory.When running in this code , at the m_connection.Open();\[code\] var m_result = new DataTable(); try { using (OdbcConnection m_connection = new OdbcConnection(connectionDBString)) { string sql = "SELECT * FROM product"; m_connection.Open(); OdbcDataAdapter dataadapter = new OdbcDataAdapter(sql, m_connection); dataadapter.Fill(m_result); m_connection.Dispose(); m_connection.Close(); } } catch (Exception e) { } return m_result;\[/code\]The following exception fails\[quote\] ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified\[/quote\]Is there anyway to claim the dataSource for the ODBC Connection ? In the cPanel, I only set the DSN and the Path as follows: DSN : wealthhonesthk-websitePath : e:\virtualhost\domains\wealthhonesthk\home\website.mdbThe below is my part of the web.config\[code\] <connectionStrings> <add name="ODBCDataConnectionString" connectionString="DSN=wealthhonesthk-website;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};FILEDSN=ftp:/;Dbq=ftp:/;Uid=;Pwd=; curly=false;" providerName="System.Data.Odbc" /> </connectionStrings>\[/code\]