In my SharePoint 2010 c# / site, I have a class defined like\[code\]namespace PDF_Library.VisualWebPart1{ public partial class PDF_Library : Usercontrol { public static PDF_Library current; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { current = (PDF_Library)this; } }}public static class Page_State{ public static Page is_display() { return PDF_Library.current.Page; // didn't work... }}\[/code\]It doesn't have a constructor. How can I get the reference to \[code\]the current instance of this class\[/code\]? I tried something like this in the top\[code\]public static PDF_Library current;\[/code\]Then in a function it had\[code\]current = (PDF_Library)this;\[/code\]But that didn't work...