c# How to Convert plain text data into managed format?


New Member
Using C#, the goal is to create a working app that will accept a text file as an input, read it, and separate the sections of data within that text file into distinct groups that contain an index #, and the name of the section which is found in the first part of the section.This is perhaps more of a question about how to take data in a plain text file, separate it into sections of data "groups"? and output a file in some managed format.The text input file has 13 fields, and then an additional field for status, making 14 fields.The text input file will have about 1500 - 2000 groups of sections of data, so there will be up to 2000 entries indexed and with the name of the entry being the first field, which is "Package Name". A section of data will be like this:\[code\]Package: horseVersion: 1.2.3Depends: libgccProvides:Status: user installedOther: other infoOther2: other info 2Package: cowVersion: 2.3.4Depends: libhayProvides: milkStatus: user installedOther: white with black spotsOther2: has a red cow bell around her neckPackage: tractorVersion: 0.9.22Depends: dieselProvides:\[/code\]etc...How can the data be read and placed into appropriate tables or entries or datasets?ps thanks for the previous edit