C#: find HTML attribute and replace value using HTMLAgilityPack


New Member
Hi I am experimenting how to use HTMLAgilityPack Vs using Regex (Not sure which is more Expensive). My question id with HTMLAgilityPack I am able to extract the required attribute and replace it with a new one; however, I cant seems to update the original text. Here is the code;\[code\]string input = @"<area shape=""rect"" coords=""0,0,82,126"" href=""one"" alt=""Sun""> <area shape=""rect"" coords=""0,0,82,126"" href=""two"" alt=""Sun"" > <area shape=""rect"" coords=""0,0,82,126"" href=""Three"" alt=""Sun"" >";HtmlDocument document = new HtmlDocument();document.LoadHtml(input);HtmlNodeCollection nodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//area");for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++ ){ HtmlNode node = nodes; var href = http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12809979/node.Attributes["href"].Value; //Reassigning href value node.Attributes["href"].Value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12809979/Re-Assign ["+i+"]";}\[/code\]Now I want to make this reflect in the original "input" variable. Any idea how to proceed?Thanks