C# book? Or .NET book?


New Member
Hi, <BR><BR>I was wondering which book I should get.... since money is always a concern, especially in Canada... our dollar is just sooo weak. <BR><BR>Should I get a C# book? Or should I get a .NET global book? I know Java, C, but as well, know VB related stuff. Therefore, if I were to purchase a book... which would benefit me the most you think? I have the SDK downloaded, and getting Visual Studio.Net as well.<BR><BR>Thanks <BR><BR>Vadim C.If money's an issue I wouldn't buy any book right now.<BR>We are only in Beta 1 and from the sounds of things it is still going to be a long time before ASP>NET is released. How long I do not know. Rumor had it that it would be released i nthe middle of this year but now there is talk that Beta 2 is still <BR>a couple/few months away.<BR><BR>Use the Internet.<BR>www.asp.net<BR>www.gotdotnet.com<BR>www.plusasp.com<BR>www.aspnextgen.com<BR>4guysfromrolla.com<BR>are the places to start and where to be for the latest<BR><BR><BR>Rob<BR>I would have to agree with this ... there is far better documentation online (limited as it may be) than there is in any of the books that are out there right now.<BR><BR>Bill Evjen<BR>St. Louis .NET User Group<BR>http://www.stlnet.org/