Bypassing Open/Save box


Staff member
Hey all!<br />
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Just wondering, with my links to Sound effect MP3's, is there any way I can get the browser to launch the default media player and play the sound without the annoying grey Windows pop up box that asks if the user wants to open from this location or save to disk. I don't wat to have to embed the files, by the way.<br />
I don't think it is possible to force this, but I thought I'd ask anyway!<br />
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Thx you guys!<br />
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PS<br />
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London is wickedly sunny today! Makes a b l o o d y change!<br />
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There's really nothing like (as Morrisey says)<br />
"Spending warm Summer days indoors" - especially when it's on yer 'Puter :)<!--content-->you want it to load automatically...but you DONT want to embed? Why? That would solve your problem.<br />
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Also, I am not sure if the default media player supports mps formatted files.<!--content-->