Buying up competitor domains


New Member
Hello World!

Don't choke on your soda's when you read this!

I built a website for a customer several month ago (Contract completed now on maintenance contract) So the guy calls me last night and said he was up late brain storming last night buying up all his competitor potential domain names (Like Sears buying up Target, Wards, and Walmart ect). I even have recommended they buy "like domains" such as its next extention .net or its plural.

He bought them from different domain providers, both from each other and different from I normally use-okay that's another issue and Im getting off base now. But know that these bases covered in my contact.

So He wants them pointed to his primary domain Okay cool. Have in your head the number 15 domains and growing regardless of that I say!

So then he said:
1) He wants them ALL listed conspicuously on his index.
2) Not to do it on a child or doorway page
3) 16 (y/o) computer guy slash janitor at his job said that will boost his
Rankings in search engines and the web guy (37 y/o) is clueless..
4) That's good enough-

I said I can do this when he gets the domains pointed to the right place (now have deer and headlights picture in your head). With me so far or did you choke on your sodas like I warned you not too?

Okay, so I admit to still using ALT and META tags. But I cant be THAT off base here can I?
