Just some thoughts on registering domains, where to go, and where to avoid.
myvaluehost.com I recently registered 10 domains with myvaluehost.com. You get the first 10 for $4 each ... it looks on the site like you have to get their hosting for that deal, but you really don't. Just register 10 domains, and they're that cheap. No strings whatsoever. Their service is great, but they are a little slower than some others, so don't use them if you need an expiring domain urgently or something. Otherwise, they're the best.
godaddy.com I wouldn't recommend godaddy EVER for hosting - the space is limited, and they think they have a right to tell you how you can run your business, and what mail management software you're allowed to use to contact your own employees ..... but, with their deal right now, you can get a domain name for $5.19 by buying the $1.95 trafficfacts thing and entering code usa6 at the end. Then just cancel the trafficfacts. Good deal, and they're one of the fastest registrars, so good if you need something urgently.
yahoo.com The first domain you register through yahoo is $4.95. I had no problem with them, but if you only need one, it's a good deal, and they're reliable. The second cheapest ... shame it's only for one though or I would have bought my last 20 or so names from them instead of with godaddy's deal.
aplus.net I think I have their name right. I only bought one from them, but it was cheaper than most (probably around $5 or 6) for the first one. Quick enough too.
netfirms.com Quick enough, good deal on your first domain ($4 or 5 I think), and their customer service was good and honest. They called to see if I'd be interested on hosting - I told them the deal I get with hostgator.com, and they kindly admitted it was such a great deal that they couldn't match it, and they didn't try pressuring me or anything.
1and1.com NEVER EVER EVER use this company!!!!!!! I can't stress that enough. Do some serious research, and you'll find that nearly 90%+ of their customers hate them! Their domains are always $5.99, so most people think they're the cheapest (they're not - use myvaluehost.com or godaddy.com's deal), so that's why they use them. But ... this company majorly scammed me. I found some awesome domains with potentially extremely high resell values. I registered them around 2pm, and they stalled the registrations for 8+ hours before they even STARTED the process - most others I used had FINISHED the process in that time. It took them 48 hours for confirmation on any of the 6 domains I tried to register. During their "delay" someone in Panama "mysteriously" found out about both of the high-level domains and registered them. Now there is no chance on this earth that two people would want the same two un-published or un-announced domains, that were completely un-related to each other, on the same day, during the same 8-hour period. So ... I contacted the company numerous times, and got nothing but run-around. Finally I told them if they didn't investigate I would. They ignored me for 2 days, so I contacted the new registrant directly. It was all a scam. I had to threaten to take legal action, but the registrant finally cancelled his registrations and I was able to get my names back through another registrar. It was a huge SCAM. It looks like the registration went to some no-name reseller registrar or something that doesn't even have a website set up. Either they're affiliated with 1and1 or one of their employees handling the registration passed along the info while they stalled. on another note ... none of my other four registrations, done at the same time, were delayed before processing. I'm still fully investigating it, and have had to report them to my state attorney general, the FTC, FCC, BBB, and international organizations. Unfortunately for them, they picked the wrong person to scam, since I've got an amazing record of bringing down companies who think they've got the right to take advantage of "helpless" customers. Just steer clear. If these guys don't clean up their act, they won't be around long anyway.
If you've got any other stories of good registrars that are as cheap as these, or horror stories to tell ... share them! It's better for people to know the truth about some of these "deals" ahead of time, and good deals aren't always easy to find on your own.
myvaluehost.com I recently registered 10 domains with myvaluehost.com. You get the first 10 for $4 each ... it looks on the site like you have to get their hosting for that deal, but you really don't. Just register 10 domains, and they're that cheap. No strings whatsoever. Their service is great, but they are a little slower than some others, so don't use them if you need an expiring domain urgently or something. Otherwise, they're the best.
godaddy.com I wouldn't recommend godaddy EVER for hosting - the space is limited, and they think they have a right to tell you how you can run your business, and what mail management software you're allowed to use to contact your own employees ..... but, with their deal right now, you can get a domain name for $5.19 by buying the $1.95 trafficfacts thing and entering code usa6 at the end. Then just cancel the trafficfacts. Good deal, and they're one of the fastest registrars, so good if you need something urgently.
yahoo.com The first domain you register through yahoo is $4.95. I had no problem with them, but if you only need one, it's a good deal, and they're reliable. The second cheapest ... shame it's only for one though or I would have bought my last 20 or so names from them instead of with godaddy's deal.
aplus.net I think I have their name right. I only bought one from them, but it was cheaper than most (probably around $5 or 6) for the first one. Quick enough too.
netfirms.com Quick enough, good deal on your first domain ($4 or 5 I think), and their customer service was good and honest. They called to see if I'd be interested on hosting - I told them the deal I get with hostgator.com, and they kindly admitted it was such a great deal that they couldn't match it, and they didn't try pressuring me or anything.
1and1.com NEVER EVER EVER use this company!!!!!!! I can't stress that enough. Do some serious research, and you'll find that nearly 90%+ of their customers hate them! Their domains are always $5.99, so most people think they're the cheapest (they're not - use myvaluehost.com or godaddy.com's deal), so that's why they use them. But ... this company majorly scammed me. I found some awesome domains with potentially extremely high resell values. I registered them around 2pm, and they stalled the registrations for 8+ hours before they even STARTED the process - most others I used had FINISHED the process in that time. It took them 48 hours for confirmation on any of the 6 domains I tried to register. During their "delay" someone in Panama "mysteriously" found out about both of the high-level domains and registered them. Now there is no chance on this earth that two people would want the same two un-published or un-announced domains, that were completely un-related to each other, on the same day, during the same 8-hour period. So ... I contacted the company numerous times, and got nothing but run-around. Finally I told them if they didn't investigate I would. They ignored me for 2 days, so I contacted the new registrant directly. It was all a scam. I had to threaten to take legal action, but the registrant finally cancelled his registrations and I was able to get my names back through another registrar. It was a huge SCAM. It looks like the registration went to some no-name reseller registrar or something that doesn't even have a website set up. Either they're affiliated with 1and1 or one of their employees handling the registration passed along the info while they stalled. on another note ... none of my other four registrations, done at the same time, were delayed before processing. I'm still fully investigating it, and have had to report them to my state attorney general, the FTC, FCC, BBB, and international organizations. Unfortunately for them, they picked the wrong person to scam, since I've got an amazing record of bringing down companies who think they've got the right to take advantage of "helpless" customers. Just steer clear. If these guys don't clean up their act, they won't be around long anyway.
If you've got any other stories of good registrars that are as cheap as these, or horror stories to tell ... share them! It's better for people to know the truth about some of these "deals" ahead of time, and good deals aren't always easy to find on your own.