Buttons for my website


Hi all,<br />
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I'm creating a Formula 1 website on my website design course at college, but I have a problem. I have the layout of what I want the site to look like, but I haven't got any decent buttons to put on it. Is there anyway on the internet where you can create and Download <!--more--> buttons? Or any particular software that specialises in the making of buttons?<br />
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Any help would be great, thanks.<br />
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Steve<!--content-->I suggest Download <!--more-->ing a trial of fireworks mx or adobe photoshop. In the photoshop trial they have adobe image ready, which has an option that allows you to create rollover buttons. Of course you don't have to have rollover buttons, but personally I like them better than regular buttons. If you Download <!--more--> photoshop you can find some tutorials on making images that look like buttons, or making buttons that rollover.<br />
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some tutorials can be found at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.good-tutorials.com">www.good-tutorials.com</a><!-- w --><!--content-->http://www.steffengerlach.de/freeware/<br />
ZPaint<br />
Forget your button maker! This software for creating 3D-looking<br />
elements for websites and software interfaces is much more flexible. <br />
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:cool:<!--content-->if its buttons you want then i reccomment you Download <!--more-->ing XARA MENU MAKER<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.xara.com/products/menumaker/">http://www.xara.com/products/menumaker/</a><!-- m --><br />
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this is an awesome program for making menus and buttons, it uses external javascript but the program makes all the code for you.<br />
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i definatly reccommend you try it.<br />
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Joe<!--content-->hockyfan641, I already have Adobe Photoshop elements 2.0 on my computer. Can I make buttons with that etc?<br />
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