Hi,<BR><BR>I have a form that contains 2 buttons. One is "submit" and the other is "find". When I click "submit" 5 fields on the page should be validated, but when I click "find" only one field should be validated. Does anyone know how I could accomplish this. I need to use the ValidationSummary object so that the errors are shown at the top of the page. Currently all fields that have the Requirefieldvalidator are being validated no matter what button I press.<BR><BR>Does anyone know how I could program it so that different fields are validated depending on the button that is pressed.<BR><BR>Any help would be greatly appreciated.<BR><BR>Thank you,<BR><BR>AntheaBy default a when you click a button page validation is performed, so in the attributes for your button you may need to specify that CAUSESVALIDATION="False", then in the buWhatever_OnClick handler check the contents in your field before doing any further processing. I don't have access to a machine with .NET Framework installed here at the moment, but I think that it would look something like this...<BR><BR><asp:TextBox <BR> id="yourTextBox"<BR> runat="server" <BR>/><BR><BR><asp:Label id="lblValidateYourTextBox"/><BR><BR><asp:Button <BR> id="buWhatever"<BR> Text="Validate"<BR> OnClick="buWhatever_OnClick"<BR> runat="server"<BR> CAUSESVALIDATION="False"<BR>/><BR><BR>Then you would need to code for the server side buWhatever_OnClick handler...<BR><BR>Sub buWhatever_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)<BR><BR> If yourTextBox.Value Is System.DBNull Or Len(Trim(yourTextBox.Value)) = 0 Then<BR> lblValidateYourTextBox.Text = "You messed up!"<BR> Exit Sub<BR> Else<BR> .... Do whatever here<BR> End If<BR><BR>End Sub<BR><BR><BR><BR>Hi,<BR><BR>Thanks for the response.<BR><BR>I need to show my error messages in a validationsummary object at the top of the page. Is there a way that I can send the message to this object to display the error message, along with the other errors on the page, at the top of the page instead of in a label.? The ValidationSummary method in asp.net allows me to display all errors in bullet format at the top of the page. If I create my own error handler, can I somehow send this error message to be displayed in the ValidationSummary object?<BR><BR>Thanks for your help<BR><BR>Anthea.Sure (I think). Just reading through the docs on the ValidationSummary Class...<BR><BR> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfsystemwebuiwebcontrolsvalidationsummaryclasst opic.asp?frame=true<BR><BR>The ShowSummary property appears to be Read/Write so you could possibly use that??That was a dumb answer... mumble, mumble...