button download file


Hi <br />
<br />
first of all..i will think you for a perfect site i try it and you really help me and put me in the right way..<br />
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My problem that i need by clicking on a button to Download <!--more--> application how i can program it is it in the html or what please help me <br />
thank you :confused:<!--content-->A simple way to do this would be like this:<br />
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<input type="button" value="Download <!--more--> AOL VERSION 189372.0 NOW!!!" onClick="self.location.href='http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/file.ext';"><!--content-->AOL VERSION 189372.0<br />
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Once they get past version 100,000, I start to lose track! :)<!--content-->