I dunno if anyone is hip to the <a href="http://www.bungeelabs.com" target="_blank">Bungee Labs</a> guys, but in April they are rolling out with this pretty slick product that is an integrated hosted environment where you can design, code, test and deploy all within this browser based app/IDE. I've seen the demo, it looks really cool. It has all these AJAX controls so you can AJAX-out your site without writing a line of JavaScript. Also it plugs directly into any WSDL for plug-n-play web services integration. They even got the PayPal WSDL and XSD to work (circular references and all). So no SOAP programming required either. The thing is free, they just charge for bandwidth once the app is deployed.<br /><br />I am sharing this for a few reasons. One is that they are doing a free training in SF on March 6th. Also, they are rounding up beta developers to bang on their product. If you want to get creative, this is a unique tool that can lend itself to some true rapid development/deployment cycles, once you get over the learning curve.<br /><br />One more thing - if you can think of some cool PayPal-enabled mashup, Bungee is looking for some developers with a good idea that would be interested in actually going to their office in Utah and spending a week with their engineers building it. They'd even fly you out there if you have a dope idea.<br /><br />Anyhow if any of the above interests you, email me <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->. Or post Qs to this thread and I'll answer them if I know...