

I am looking for bundled packages like apache/php/mysql<br />
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I had a good one about 5 months ago and I forget it. I tried google and that was a no show.<br />
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thanks, Ryan<!--content-->http://www.firepages.com.au/<!--content-->http://www.easyphp.org/<!--content-->You need PHPdev, with inbuilt Apache, PHP, and mySQL.<br />
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You'll also need to set RegisterGlobals, in the php.ini file, to on or yes in order to get the example website working though.<br />
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The package also includes an FTP server, and example Invision bulletin board.<!--content-->ok, thanks alot guys!!<!--content-->I have a quick question. I am behind a router and for ppl to access my site on my computer what do I have to change? I have tried for about a hour now. And my interne blocked port 80 so I changed it. Would I use my router IP or my computer IP and my router has port forwarding and I set that all up.<br />
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thanks.<!--content-->in apache httpd.conf file jsut change the port is looks at to 8080<br />
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so it will look like this<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://your_ip:8080/index.html">http://your_ip:8080/index.html</a><!-- m --><!--content-->