Building an Intranet using ASP.NET


Hi all,

I don't know how active this web site is but I seen it's really helpfull to be a friend of you guys. Hehe!

I want to know all the requirements to build an Intranet as far as hardware, license, and software. I want to keep it in a low budget if is posible.

Why do I need an intranet?

I want to test an intranet for my personal use. I just want to try out how to build one just for a future prevention. It doesn't hurt to learn new stuff everyday.

What do I have so far?

I was told I can use a linux machine and it will be cheaper. That's right but I don't want to use linux machine yet. I have 2 servers one server I have linux fedora core 4 (red hat) and it's a AMD 2800+ server. It works good.. but I don't want to use that for my ASP.NET intranet.

My second server I have a Unit 1 I think they called it UB1 but I am not sure but anyways it's a pentium 4 HT 3.2 GHZ with Windows 2003 small bussines.

How many users do I think I will be using to test my intranet?

I think I can get more then 200 users.


Now I need to know what do I need to start doing an intranet besides just active IIS and start using the intranet connecting <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://localhost">http://localhost</a><!-- m --> on an internal workstation(local pc using ie browser).

Think about it's a budget report for a huge company... if you guys point me the right way I think I will be more then pleased.

I love and I don't think I have been using it correctly but I am getting there... b/c I found you guys!

Thank you and this is my first post at I hope I become a loyal user with you guys.

Thank you for your time.1) I want to know all the requirements to build an Intranet as far as hardware, license, and software. I want to keep it in a low budget if is posible.

2) I was told I can use a linux machine and it will be cheaper. I have linux fedora core 4 but I don't want to use that for my ASP.NET intranet.

3) My second server Windows 2003 small bussines.

4) I think I can get more then 200 users.

5) what do I need to start doing an intranet besides just active IIS and start using the intranet connecting

-just need another box to serve webpages (since its intranet use, u can just place the box behind firewall, so public http won't get into it.)

-To be able to serve webpage, u need a web-container, such as IIS if u wanna run asp or .net webpages, or tomcat/websphere if running j2ee etc.

-linux is cheaper in terms of license and to obtain a copy. However, time is = $, how much time do u have to learn? (not saying M$ is alot easier, but u have to put your time to learn and perform into consideration)

-there are software allows u to run .net on *nix platform, check out here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... _id=211680</a><!-- m -->)

-u may wanna ask yourself in a long run, what are you expecting out of the site, data sharing? enterprise data driven call among comapanies locate in a diff places? ability to make printer/fax call through out the building? from a simple data driven site turns into a SOUP sharing program with (maybe) other company? or just a site that serve information?

-ur company's tech driven by M$? if its Unix based, u may consider J2EE instead. ask yourself again, why .net?

3) good, 2k3 come with .net framework, so you can start writing .net website

4) all access to the site at the same time? one at a time? how many at a time? what's the permission/security level? who can see what and when and who can't? what can display and what can't? who can change data who can't? temp hired staff can make changes too?

5)you need a road map, so it shows you what are the technology(ies) will provide you the best solution, don't just jump into .net and start writing code. you will have to deal with patching fix code and adjusting your code (just) to meet your business need in a long run because someone else in your company say "how about do this..." or "lets do this..." will waste all your development time.