building a hyperlink with xslt


New Member
I am attempting to build a dynmic hyperlink. Within my xslt, I pass a string to a java pgm and it returns the ID. I would like to use this returned value in a hyperlink. My xslt looks something like this:

<xsl:variable name="moFilePath" select="GENERIC-CONTENT/FILE-ATTACH" />
<xsl:variable name="thisID" select="java:getFileMO($helper,$moFilePath)" />

<a href="/AppConsole/secure/$thisID">
<xsl:value-of select="$moFilePath" />

When I do a view source of the page, I get the following:
<a href="/AppConsole/secure/$thisID"></a>

The $thisID and $moFilePath don't get translated.

The java pgm does return the correct ID. I have displayed this on the page and now moving on to the part to build the URL.