building a CCP + Help-Desk<


Staff member
Hmm; really I just need help
for the help-desk section of this--

Basicly, how do I set it up so that
customers can submit a 'trouble ticket' to me?

Basicly, list a category (drop down menu),
the title, and the text itself.

On my site, I will see the category,
title, text, and the name/email of who submitted it.

Then, of course, be able to respond.
After the the customer is satsified
with responses (i.e., fixed prob etc.)
he/she, or myself, can close it.

Then, my side, I can re-open.

So, I already got a *basic* list
of what I'd need to make....

PHP Sessions
mySQL - for two levels of access (admin & user)

lol not sure what else :(
Anyways ~ what should I look up?
How should I structor it? etc.there are free script that do this. have you looked at first?

that is quite a job to write your ownI've looked, but I've not
found one that I've liked, is free,
and can EASILY be intergraited into my site :(