BUILD FAILED D:\opt\trunk\build.xml:117: Could not create task or type of type: for

geof fbaker

New Member
I have added antcontrib.03.jar to both ANT_HOME/lib and in separate location d:\lib and it still gives me this error. Can any on help me here please. Thanks!\[code\]#back-end - copyback.end.dir=d:/opt/polopoly/pear/work/ears/front${back.end.dir}/tomcat1,${back.end.dir}/tomcat2,${back.end.dir}/tomcat3, ${back.end.dir}/tomcat3,${back.end.dir}/tomcat4,${back.end.dir}/tomcat5root.war.file=${}/test1.war,${}/test2.war,${}/test3.war,${}/test4.war,${}/test5.war#front-end${}/opt/tomcat/webapps\[/code\]build.xml\[code\]<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/"> <classpath> <pathelement location="d:/lib/ant-contrib-0.3.jar"/> </classpath></taskdef><!-- copy new ROOT.war file --><target name="deploy-root" description="Copy new root.war from pCMS back-end to front-end" depends="prepare"> <sequential> <for list="${root.war.file}" param="single-file"> <echo> Copying File @{single-file} </echo> <copy file="@{single-file}" todir="${}" overwrite="true" /> </for> </sequential></target>\[/code\]Output error\[code\]D:\opt\trunk>ant deploy-rootBuildfile: build.xml [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource lib/net/sf/antcontrib/ It could not be found.init: [echo] TODAYS DATE AND TIME: 2 May 2012, 12:16:28 PM, BSTprepare:deploy-root:BUILD FAILEDD:\opt\trunk\build.xml:117: Could not create task or type of type: for.Ant could not find the task or a class this task relies upon.This is common and has a number of causes; the usualsolutions are to read the manual pages then download andinstall needed JAR files, or fix the build file: - You have misspelt 'for'. Fix: check your spelling. - The task needs an external JAR file to execute and this is not found at the right place in the classpath. Fix: check the documentation for dependencies. Fix: declare the task. - The task is an Ant optional task and the JAR file and/or libraries implementing the functionality were not found at the time you yourself built your installation of Ant from the Ant sources. Fix: Look in the ANT_HOME/lib for the 'ant-' JAR corresponding to the task and make sure it contains more than merely a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. If all it contains is the manifest, then rebuild Ant with the needed libraries present in ${ant.home}/lib/optional/ , or alternatively, download a pre-built release version from - The build file was written for a later version of Ant Fix: upgrade to at least the latest release version of Ant - The task is not an Ant core or optional task and needs to be declared using <taskdef>. - You are attempting to use a task defined using <presetdef> or <macrodef> but have spelt wrong or not defined it at the point of useRemember that for JAR files to be visible to Ant tasks implementedin ANT_HOME/lib, the files must be in the same directory or on theclasspathPlease neither file bug reports on this problem, nor email theAnt mailing lists, until all of these causes have been explored,as this is not an Ant bug.\[/code\]