I go this code on here from an old question. It is meant to hide the nav bar when scrolling down, and make it appear when scrolling up. It works well, but my problem is that when you reach the top of the page, Safari scrolls a bit past the page and then drops it down, causing it to register a scroll down, so that the nav is hidden when the user gets to the top of the page. I think it would be goo to have a certain point down the page (~ 200px) where the nav bar is always visible regardless of scrolling up or down. Thank you.\[code\]$(document).ready(function(){var lastScrollTop = 0;$(window).scroll(function(){ var st = $(this).scrollTop(); if (st > lastScrollTop){ console.log('down'); // scrolling down if($('#fadewrap').data('size') === 'big') { $('#fadewrap').data('size','small'); $('#fadewrap').stop().animate({ height:'2em' },600); } } else { // scrolling up if($('#fadewrap').data('size') === 'small') { console.log('up'); $('#fadewrap').data('size','big'); $('#fadewrap').stop().animate({ height:'4.1em' },600); } } lastScrollTop = st;});\[/code\]});