browser is flipping my text from ltr to rtl


Hello<br />
<br />
I am trying to display some text from the database.<br />
The text is: "Welcome to my site!". This text is displayed always in English, no matter what the language the site is in (the site is multi-lingual)<br />
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The dir attribute of my html page can either be 'ltr' or 'rtl' (depending on the current language of the site).<br />
If it is ltr, then the text is displayed properly.<br />
However, if the attribute is set to rtl, the browser flips the location of the '!' and displays the text: "!Welcome to my site"<br />
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Is there a way to cause the browser to take the string as a whole and not break it into portions ("Welcome to my site" and "!")?<br />
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thanks in advance<!--content-->I'm not terribly familiar with webpage bidirectionality, but perhaps you could use <BDO> (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... l#edef-BDO</a><!-- m -->)?<br />
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Adam<!--content-->I solved the problem.<br />
I enclosed the text inside a <div> tag and gave it its own dir attribute set to 'ltr'<!--content-->