Browser error message - why?


New Member
I have a PHP file with my sitemap and I want to use JavaScript URLs to open the 'details' pages, which should just be small pop-ups. Everything works well - the pop-up appears and it contains the correct content, but the browser produces a download dialogue and an error dialogue saying that it is trying to download the link, but can't, despite the fact that it already has. Clicking on OK makes it go away.

I'm running IE5, PHP4 and Apache 2.0.42 (to parse the PHP files). Here's the code in the sitemap file which produces the pop-up window. Can anyone tell me how to stop the ugly error dialogue from appearing? All suggestions gratefully received.

<ol class="sitemaplink">
<li>Geography: <a href="java'sitemap_details.php?page=geo', '_blank', 'toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=no,height=400, width=500')">details</a></li>
