browser detect?


Howdy. I've made some changes to my site, and I'm told that the new Safari browser positions my JavaScript navbar incorrectly. Is it reasonable to do a browser detect and send those that identify as Safari to an alternate version of the site?<br />
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I do everything with php, so it'd just be a matter of sending Safari users to a different included header. But is it worth it?<br />
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I know, I know. "Just use CSS." But I don't know them yet, and the current method is one that I could actually do quickly in my spare time.<br />
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Any thoughts/input are appreciated.<!--content-->hmm...i know how to do this with Netsacpe and IE browsers but i've never heard of Safari.<!--content-->Safari is a browser for the Mac.<br />
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A bit like Mozilla.<!--content-->personally I wouldn't worry about it, what all the 100 people that have that browser. it is new so it isn't out there very well yet.<br />
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I have not had one hit at my site yet.<!--content-->From my server logs, 10% of the visitors to a new website online a few weeks ago were using Safari, and nearly 30% used Mozilla. That is quite big, but skewed by the low number of visitors so far.<!--content-->one site doesn't make the internet. I have none so I don't worry about it.<!--content-->Yeah, and the thing is, the anomaly doesn't affect any functionality to the site, it only moves the navbar down 20 pixels and it covers up a tiny piece of the content. I kind of figured that for right now, until I learn CSS, that it's more trouble than it's worth. It was just an issue that someone I know brought up, so I thought I'd ask. For the 99% of my viewers that are IE/Netscape/Mozilla/Opera, their experience is fine, so I'll just not sweat it right now. :)<br />
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Thanks for the input.<!--content-->