Bridging Joomla 1.5.x to VBulletin 1.8.x


New Member
I am running Joomla 1.5.x and i would like to Bridge the user logging to VBulletin so users only need to login once. I am running both on different mysql databases and can learn php thoroughly when necessary. I would like some information on where to start because if i create this bridge successfully (Maybe, Maybe not i do not know) I will give it out to whoever needs it here free of charge (Ill charge people getting it off my own site of course)

Thanks for the help. And thanks VBTeam for VBNulled!
Pretty sure that wheel has already been created and you may find it here as a jvbsomething mod but I am pretty sure most bridging hacks require everything to be in a single database so that might be a problem you need to check.
I can always port everything over to the same database but sadly all bridges i have found link joomla 1.5.x to an older version of vb or vb 1.8.x to joomla 1.0.x