I'm starting with breezejs and couldn't figure how to get a object to bind in my form.Suppose I have a controller method like this:\[code\] public Vehicle GetById(string id) { return contextProvider.Context.FirstOrDefault<Vehicle>(v => v.Id == id); }\[/code\]The viewmodel is something like:\[code\] var MyVM = function () { Vehicle: ko.observable({}) }\[/code\]The query is like:\[code\] var manager = new breeze.EntityManager("Api/Vehicle"); var execquery = new breeze.EntityQuery() .from(actionName) .where(condition); return manager .executeQuery(execquery) .then(querySucceeded);\[/code\]The result method:\[code\]function querySucceeded(data) { var r1 = data.results[0]; MyVM.Vehicle(r1); // Take a look here}\[/code\]And the knockout binding:\[code\] <input type="text" id="VehicleId" data-bind="value: Vehicle().Id">\[/code\]This works for loading and editing the data but not for saving.The \[code\]hasChanges()\[/code\] method from the manager always return false.What am I doing wrong? How could I bind the object directly to my form fields?