New Member
Are you supposed to markup the home and current page for the breadcrumb? I am using data-vocabulary only because doesn't allow titles or urls to be marked up - only a line of text without dividers unless added manually.Here is an example of what I have now. Notice that I marked up both the home and current page - is this correct or should one or both not be marked up? \[code\]<li itemscope itemtype=""><a class="home" itemprop="url" href=""><span itemprop="title"><img alt="Home" height="30" src="" width="16"></span></a></li><li itemscope itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" href=""><span itemprop="title">Services</a></span></li><li itemscope itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" href=""><span itemprop="title">Widget</a></span></li><li itemscope itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" href=""><span itemprop="title">Features</span></a></li>\[/code\]