Hi Guys,<BR><BR>I was originally using an Array but for the following problem but then i needed to have a different value for the dropdownlist options than what was displayed, so i changed to the following code:<BR><BR>-------<BR> Dim tabTitle as New HashTable(7)<BR> tabTitle.Add ("- Select a Title -","")<BR> tabTitle.Add ("Mr","Mr")<BR> tabTitle.Add ("Ms","Ms")<BR> tabTitle.Add ("Prof","Prof")<BR> tabTitle.Add ("Dr","Dr")<BR> tabTitle.Add ("Hon","Hon")<BR> tabTitle.Add ("Adv","Adv")<BR> selTitle.DataSource = tabTitle<BR> selTitle.DataValueField = "Value"<BR> selTitle.DataTextField = "Key"<BR> selTitle.Databind()<BR>-------<BR><BR>Now the problem is that a Hash Table is supposed to be unordered and for that reason the drop down list does not display the items in the above order, with the "select a title" option being at item number two and it therefore obviously looks pretty stupid when the registration form's default selected item is "mr" and the "select title" is in the middle of the list. Is there any other list/collection that i can use that will allow me to bind it to a control? I could use a dataset from a database but the above information really and most other drop down lists really do not need the information to be extracted from a database...<BR><BR>I tried setting the selectedindex so that the select a title would be shown, but then there are still items above it and below it in the list. Anyways i want it in the order of how i have coded it into my collection!!!!<BR><BR>ThanksTry useing a sorted List <BR>the sorting is based on the Key<BR>Ref page 389 of WROX Beginning ASP.NET<BR><BR> Dim fvDDLSO As New SortedList()<BR> fvDDLSO.Add("", "- select a title -")<BR> fvDDLSO.Add("bb", "oracle")<BR> fvDDLSO.Add("cc", "informix")<BR> fvDDLSO.Add("dd", "access")<BR> fvDDLSO.Add("ee", "eeeemic")<BR> fvDDLSO.Add("ff", "fffore")<BR> fvDDLSO.Add("gg", "ggginx")<BR> fvDDLSO.Add("hh", "hhhass")<BR> fvDDLSO.Add("kk", "kkkkss")<BR> Return Getlistbox(fvLINECNT, fvBOXNM, fvEDITVAL, fvDDLSO, fvDEFVAL)