Bottom alignment issue


Hello All,<br />
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I recently built a site for a client. You can view it at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> . My issue is that the first time you view each of the pages, the bottom alignement of the site is like a centimeter from the bottom, but when you refresh the site it goes all the way to the bottom. I want it to always be all the way at the bottom. It sounds confusing but if u check it out you will understand. I really need this issue resolved and I don't know the problem. I would appreciate any help. Thank you.<!--content-->Daryn,<br />
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I can't tell you why it's happening, but it has something to do with the tables (you probably figured that much out yourself, I guess). I do have one suggestion. On your Gallery page, those images are ENORMOUS. More than 1/2 meg each. Optimize them. Given their size, they shouldn't be more than 15k each, I would think.<!--content-->Possible causes:<br />
no height and width attributes for images.<br />
no type attributes for scripts.<br />
errors in css.<br />
errors (invalid) in html.<br />
Run your page throught the W3C validator (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... .net/wpeo/</a><!-- m -->).<!--content-->The site looked identical to me on several refreshes using FireFox, Opera. On testing for IE and Avant, I saw what you were reffering to. It may be a case of IE incorrectly implementing some CSS, as it is widely known for doing so. Avant would do the same b/c Avant is IE.<!--content-->After looking at the Validation of the site I recommend that you do some refining. First, you need a doctype. Second, you need to specify the style's TYPE. Just viev the link that Fang has provided and bear in mind that just b/c it works doesn't mean that it is valid. :)<!--content-->