Bordercolor in external CSS file


Hello guys!<br />
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I'm building this webpage and I'm getting close of finishing the entire layout of my website. Now I go to validate the webpage and there are only 2 errors left, that need to be fixed. One error that needs to be fixed is about the "bordercolor" attribute.<br />
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Looks like the XHTML validator doesn't recognize bordercolor as a valid attribute. Therefore I need to know how can I create an external style sheet file to specify the color of all the table borders that I have on my webpage.<br />
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On my webpage I have various tables and they have different border colors, and some of them have the border set to be invisible actually.<br />
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I'm not extremely savy with these things, so I would really appreciate if you could tell me how to write that css file to specify the bordercolor of those tables on my page.<br />
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Here it is a link to that XHTML validator to see that bordercolor error that I'm talking about:<br />
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THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!<!--content-->try this<br />
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<style><br />
table.border1 {border: medium black solid;}<br />
</style><br />
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<table class="border1"><br />
(etc.)<br />
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(for external use, take out the <style> bits and put the red part in your CSS file. then just add the class part to all the tables you want to have that particular border. i'm assuming that you already know how to put in a link to your external stylesheet.)<!--content-->Hello Transmothra!!<br />
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Thank you very much!!<br />
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Yes, that's what I needed to know. I know how to put a link to an external style sheet.<br />
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THANX A LOT!!<!--content-->no problem! ;)<!--content-->