Bootstrap and kube mix license


New Member
I've used Kube css for a while, and have been using Bootstrap for the last 2 weeks.Bootstrap is from far more complete than kube of course, it has a lot of components and is very usefull, but what comes to Grid, responsive columns and awesome classes like .split or even the block-five or block-three, Kube is way better than bootstrap (my opinion).Well, since none of them are perfect to me (I work developing small websites for clients or my own projects), I have been thinking about get what is best from each one of them, modify and add some features and create my own framework (since both of them has it's less available).I'm not very familiar with licenses and I don't know if it could be a problem for me if: - I use it just to myself - I use and distribute it to others who would be interested in use it too (for free).