books for HTML

As i have started HTML , i want to know some good books that i should follow.<!--content-->All books from publishers O'Reilly are usually excellent, but they are best for reference. If you want walk-throughs, I'd suggest trying Wrox - Beginning ??? series, they are pretty comprehensive.<br />
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There are hundreds of online tutorials (try devshed).<!--content-->Frankly I would just go with a reference because I don't think HTML is really all that hard to learn, and I would look into getting a book only if you feel the need to have something to read when you aren't on your computer.<br />
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Honestly, all you need to know about HTML is what tags you can use, what arttibutes are avalible for them and what can be used within the attributes, and where and why you use certain tags. If you can understand where and why to use <table>, <div>, <br>, <p>, and the various <h1> - <h6> tags then you will by default be ahead of the game in terms of being a newbie. Also understanding why not to use <font> tags and what to use in their place, CSS, would be high on the list of need to know too.<br />
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In terms of online resources, W3schools is really great. I use their reference section more than any book at this point. W3C is obviously the best source for the real deal, but weaving through it can be a little much for newbies. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> is a great site because the creator will go through and ask what is the best way to do something and then give a number of examples and then people can make comments as to what is the best way. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... webdesign/</a><!-- m --> has more links than you'll know what to do with. :)<!--content-->"Designing with web standards" by Jeffery Zeldman<!--content-->I recommend HTML For Dummies. It may be really simple, but it's good if you're just getting started and know absolutely nothing about HTML.<!--content-->i also read html for dummies and i didnt think it explained a whole lot. it was mainly just examples on how to use html tags, rather then what they really meant or y they were used. just a thot,<br />
-Dan<!--content-->For HTML, I reccomend either the latest book from O'Reilly (cannot remember it for the life of me) or the HTML 5th Edition Quickstart Guide (With tutorials on XHTML and CSS) by Elizabeth Castro (an on-line verson can be found here (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->))<br />
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The latter is very informative, and has also alerted me to certain problems with IE that I would not have known about otherwise.<br />
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If you want to know what books I recommend on CSS and JavaScript, just PM me or post a reply here and I will see what I can do.<!--content-->