Bookmarked links!!!


I am creating a simple page with frames for a local library. No matter what I do, I cannot link the links on my left frame to specific pieces of text on the right frame. Here is a PORTIONof the code of the left frame. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.<br />
<br />
<HTML><br />
<HEAD><br />
<TITLE>Frames</TITLE><br />
</HEAD><br />
<body bgcolor="FFFFFF" link="#0000FF" vlink="#0000FF" alink="#0000FF"><br />
<B><br />
<FONT FACE="Baskerville" SIZE="2" COLOR="#000000"><br />
<a href="things.html" target="rightside#Collection">Collection</A><BR><P><br />
<A HREF="things.html#Tax Forms" target="rightside">Tax Forms</A><BR><br />
</font><br />
</HTML><!--content-->Your second link is the correct way to do this...<br />
<br />
<A HREF="things.html#Tax Forms" target="rightside">Tax Forms</A><BR><br />
<br />
A couple things to note :<br />
1. You may experience prolbems if your target names include spaces. Instead you can use "Tax_Forms" or "TaxForms" or "Tax%20Forms".<br />
2. Make sure the NAME value and the HREF value after the # are spelled and CaSe LeTtErEd the exact same.<br />
3. Perhaps include a link to the framed page in question so other people can view the problem in action (or not so to speak). Also you should mention what type of browser you are using and what version.<!--content-->I do not have this site out on the internet yet. I am using Internet Explorer 5 and I created the web page in notepad, and tried also in Microsoft front page. I still cant get the links to work. Maybe I simply do not understand how you are supposed to use them. When I type "#something", is "something" supposed to be an actual word used on the target page? Thanks.<!--content-->Hi,<br />
Is it possible that you do not have your frames named in your frame source page? IE:<br />
<br />
<frame src= name="leftside" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"><br />
<frame src= name="rightside" scrolling=auto marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 noresize><br />
<br />
etc.<br />
<br />
Of course your target name has to match your frame destination name in your link which it looks like you already know.<br />
<br />
if that does not work, please post your frameset code and your menu/link page please and we will be happy to help you.<!--content-->Yes, I have the frames named rightside and leftside. Pretty much everything works except the linking to a specific piece of text. Thankyou.<!--content-->okay, lets see your frameset code.<!--content-->