BMW and Ricoh banned from Google!


New Member
According to the Financial Times, and were banned by Google for "...manipulation of its search engine."Has anyone else seen similar results on any other sites?This makes me laugh.I thought googles policy is that webmasters should make sites for humans, Not for search engines?BMW make thier site for humans by directing different users to different pages and google ban them for it!I agree.Google is a little to strict. You get penalties for linking to sites that are banned from Google. If you don't link to them because google doesn't agree to it then it just means that you are taken them out because of the search engines and not because of your site users.BMW was only delisted for a day or so. They must have paid google to get back in as they're in now and have a 7 PR. If it were a small site it would never get back in.Chances are, I think Google woke up and just fixed their algo.Companies like BMW don't need to resort to anything nefarious to promote their site in the SERPs (they don't need serps referrals, everybody already knows who they are and where they are). Google knows this.Actually they were using doorways and said they were. No one is above it.Whether they were using doorways or not, it was NOT solely for the purpose of fooling search engines. It was for the ease of their visitors' use.BMW doesn't NEED that 0.4% of referrals from Google.Indeed. That's true. Google needs to do something about itself. It's totally out of control.I don't know if I'd go as far as to say out of control, but Google definitely aren't as perfect as they think they are. We'll see that when their stock goes down yet another 50% next week. They're in hot water with a lot of very powerful businesses. And their business model leaves a lot to be desired. And yes, my prediction is a prediction only based on some things I read in Barrons today.skIt is better if google ban those non popular websites trying to alter thier algo than a big fish who didn't even care if they rank well in major search engines or not. BMW is very popular already that didn't even needs google to spread it's name.Google can be a bit out of control at times, I'll agree with that, but what BMW Germany did was pretty dumb. They were using javascript redirects, a really outdated technique... and pretty easy to detect these days. I got to wonder if they fired the moron that came up with that genius idea?Matt Cutts, the "spam czar" talked about their ramping up to combat internatational spam soon and here he talks about what BMW did. can see what Google saw and what humans (with JS on) saw.Obviously BMW is a big name, but you got to wonder why they felt the need to do what they did? They may well get more SE traffic then some of you think. 3 days later all was cleaned up...Quote:john5269 wrote: