bloody netscape


hey all<br />
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ill be damned if i can get round this and i would like to hear of any other similar expriences.....<br />
i have been happily coding html for about a year in ie with absolutely no problems, now im looking for a job coding html so i thought id check my site in netscape.WOT A MESS<br />
anyway one of the problems is colour...i am using #669999 for the general background colour of the tables and at the corners of the table i have made a small curve so the table appears to have rounded edges. the graphic was made in photoshop 5.5 and to select a colour in photoshop you can either pick from a pallette or type in your number, so i type in 669999 but when i load up in netscape the colours of the table and the graphic are different in ie this works fine, but the thing is i tried it with a lot of other colours and still get the same result in netscape. <br />
its pretty sad that there is actually a forum dedicated to<br />
netsacapes poor attempt at a browser<br />
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dafunk<!--content-->I have found that sometimes the problem lie in when you COMPRESS the image, photoshop actually changes the color a bit....IE is very forgiving in this, but netscape is more picky. Like for instance, when I choose "save for web" in P5.5, then it shows me the 4-up display of choices. I make a good selection and save. Little do I know the color format has been changed from RGB mode to indexed color...which is DIFFERENT for different browsers. Most colors will look a bit different in IE vs Netscape. One thing to try: when choosing a colors in on the color picker and hit the checkbox called "web safe colors." This will reduce the number of colors, but you can type in the hex codes into your table/ body/ cell and they will match. good luck!<!--content-->