Blogs Rank Faster In Google.


New Member
Having spent most of my webmastering life buying domains and building my own sites i have come to the conclusion that it has all been a waste of time, Why bother buying domains and getting hosting when you can just start a blogspot blog and start ranking pretty much straight away? A few weeks ago i started my SEO blog and already it's tuning up #1 for the following searches ... nse+eBooks ... +extension And it's ranking well for a bunch of other SEO phrases, Too. This is with zero promotion and very few backlinks. So it looks, to me at least, that google automatically rank blogger blogs higher that other sites... Has anyone else noticed super fast ranking with blogger blogs?meman wrote:Well, I think that most buy domains to have an identity and something that they are in control of and something that is easy to remember. But I'm in it for the sake of the site, not for the AdSense.That said, blogs are great for keeping up with friends and ranting, but they are not a website, they are a subdomain of a site, and therefor you are bound by their TOS and their bandwidth and what happens when the blogger servers are down for maintainence, etc? I've noticed I've been getting the "Down for Maintainence" error more and more frequently when visiting friends' blogs.I use LiveJournal personally for blogging, but most are friends-only entries so I'm not concerned about the SERPs with that. But my two sites I am, and I submitted a GoogleSitemap (actually used an RSS2 feed and google hits it every few hours, which is awesome) and I also have the additional control over the site layout, backend, and the domain is much easier to remember than or've had the same experience. I started a blog in October of last year and by the 1st update I had a PR 4 with only a few backlinks. I've been using it to increase exposure to my "real" websites. The minute I link to a new site from my blog it's crawled by Google, indexed and depending on the key words doing well in all the search engines.Go figure StaciBlogs on blogger will get the bot quickly checking the information and if you have quality information then you will benefit.Blogger is constantly scanned as it is a good source for google to bring fresh content - it is very useful to introduce websites that you would like google to crawl.However, just having a blog on blogspot wont be enough if you dont have information that is likely to have people searching for.My opinion is making a blog about a website is better than submitting to many poorly run free directories - I know people mean well when they offer free directories, but just offering the service doesn't guarantee them success unless they actually make it worth people returning - and that they keep good control over the quality of website they permit in the directories.ulstermonkey wrote:*lol and I can remember when diaries were private and personal. Maybe I'm showing my age.Why blogs gets value more is because:1. Tend to update atleast once in a week2. With new posting new pages gets added (you do not grow your website with this speed)3. All pages generally talk about the same theme (generally unlike website where about us, contact, products, service, history of company dilutes the theme)4. Coverage of current happenings (quick info values most. It is of no use to tell the stories of 50 years past)5. Facility to add commments makes it easier for the search engine to determine the quality of blog than just dry backlinks.With regards,Mandar Thosare-Zest SolutionsI disagree 1) Frequently updated content is not valued more - what if it's frequently updated tripe? Content that hasn't changed in 10 years can still rank #12) Rapidly growing site <> valuable site3) I wouldn't say that blogs are themed more strongly than any other website. I'm not sure that a 'theme' is important anyway4) You are assuming that a blog's content is more up to date than a regular website - it's not necessarily the case5) I'm not sure that search engines are interested in comments added to blogs. I'd certainly disagree with the assumption that comments somehow give an indication of quality.Interesting theories, but I don't think they're true Hi Hooperman,It seems that I have irked you with my postings. Sorry, but that was not personal.Thanks as you pointed out my mistakes. I wanted to correct myself now1. Blogs don't get updated but get increased in numbers of pages (updated here means growing not changing content)2. How search engine differentiates between spam linking (when uni-directional) and natural linking- obviously the speed with which the links increase. Same with websites. The websites like wikis grows with tremendous speed but then search engine is able to differentiate that.3. Analysing the keyword density across the website will reveal that its get reduced in case of website but remains fairly stable in blogs.I agree that blogs are not in the first 10 SERPs for every keyword as 1. They haven't proved there cridebility for a long period of time as compared to websites2. Not very much user friendly in terms of navigationWith regards,Mandar ThosarI wasn't irked mandar-seo, sorry if it sounded that way.HiI noticed this with images especially. Keyword 'seawitch' brings my site (now) ahead of the blogs I used to rely on, but with images blogs are still way ahead, I don't understand why, but I left large links to my website at the top of each blog to encourage visitors there instead.RegardsMany people are saying that now Yahoo doesn't like blogs with the subdomain. Only time well tel.