I need some good pr blog sites where I can submit blog and submit comment on given blog. please provide me good blog list.
Thanks in Advance. You can search of VMoptions Directories. Maybe bettery to find your own blog commenting lists. All those provided in public are all over-used. There are hundred of thousands links on a single page. And how do you think this type of backlinks will value you? Try to search Blog Directories on Google. @marina
Many blogs are not like that. Blog commenting also one of the way in link building, so we can comment on theme related blogs which one having minimal amount of OBL to get back links as well as drive some amount of traffic from there. There's a lot of way in finding a good blog with PR to commented on. Try this one. On Google search box type blog followed by colon and the niche you are into or the keyword. Example, "blog:keyword" then enter. Quote: Originally Posted by royal121 http://www.v7n.com/forums/seo-forum/169987-blog-submission-site-good-pagerank.html#post1305767 may be this could help you.
Best of luck...
http://www.rss-specifications.com/rss-submission.htm in the 2nd column are blog submission sites!
HTH You can search in google blogs by searching related topics. You can find blogs to comment on at http://blogsthatfollow.com/ http://blogsthatfollow.com/ --> is a directory sites. search in google "do follow blog list" faboccasion is right. From Google you can find dofollow blogs by using like "Do-follow blogs" or "best do-follow blogs"
I need some good pr blog sites where I can submit blog and submit comment on given blog. please provide me good blog list.
Thanks in Advance. You can search of VMoptions Directories. Maybe bettery to find your own blog commenting lists. All those provided in public are all over-used. There are hundred of thousands links on a single page. And how do you think this type of backlinks will value you? Try to search Blog Directories on Google. @marina
Many blogs are not like that. Blog commenting also one of the way in link building, so we can comment on theme related blogs which one having minimal amount of OBL to get back links as well as drive some amount of traffic from there. There's a lot of way in finding a good blog with PR to commented on. Try this one. On Google search box type blog followed by colon and the niche you are into or the keyword. Example, "blog:keyword" then enter. Quote: Originally Posted by royal121 http://www.v7n.com/forums/seo-forum/169987-blog-submission-site-good-pagerank.html#post1305767 may be this could help you.
Best of luck...

HTH You can search in google blogs by searching related topics. You can find blogs to comment on at http://blogsthatfollow.com/ http://blogsthatfollow.com/ --> is a directory sites. search in google "do follow blog list" faboccasion is right. From Google you can find dofollow blogs by using like "Do-follow blogs" or "best do-follow blogs"