Blocking Trashmail Adresses


New Member
I am looking for something which I specific e-mail addresses or host names locks.
Z.b. I want to oneway or trashmail e-mail address block.
You want to block specific emails or i.p.? vBulletin has that by default in options on admincp

you could always use .htaccess "allow,deny". Thats what I do.
ok here is what I do.

First I add the domain to block email list in admincp options. It is under "vBulletin Options" => "User Banning Options" => "Banned Email Addresses"

here is a list you can modify it & add to it to suit your needs.
That list should have you covered for a few known sites.

If you want to block IP then you use "Banned IP Addresses" but also remember you should add in the .htaccess add the following:

Order Allow,Deny
Deny from
Deny from 100.100.100.
Allow from all

<Files .htaccess>
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all

you see above, just change the IP address to what you need. Add as many as you need. Remember you can block the complete range as I show in the second IP address above.

(if you dont have .htaccess file then make a new one in the site root and turn rewrite engine on, you will have to look into it yourself as mine has lots of settings for my site that im not posting here)

I hope that helps you do what you need.