Blocked pr3 domain?


New Member
Is it possible for a pr3 domain to be blocked by google? Any site , whether its pr8 or no pr, can be block by google. Yes it is possible if you violate google rules. Yes it is possible. As long as a website violates Google TOS your website will be penalized or worst it will be banned. But what are the reasons that it will be blocked ? Black hat SEO ? But does that mean the domain loses its pr? Check the reason by google webmaster tools and tell the reason so we can be also alert about that.

Please post as soon as possible.

Thanks Spidersense. Do you have a link? Linking with bad sites is also one of the reasons to get blocked from google but is it possible that if google bans the site, will search engies like yahoo, bing will bann the websites at a same time? if you are violate google TOS they might penalize your site but google cannot block your site service.

Your site page rank would be decrease.
Ranking would be down. Yes off course!!

Having PR doesnt allows you to do any illegal work, any thing from your domain would found not legal or not bound the rules, your domain will get blocked Yes it is possible. Only if you do some black-hat seo.