

New Member
I know of 2 sites that are completely blacklisted. Just wondering how often does it happen. I never tried nor pulled that off but I have some friends that did not want to put in the work. I haven't heard a site that got banned. But all I can say is, as long as you don't do illegal or any black hat methods on your site such as cloaking or even spamming. Actually it's hard for search engines to catch those doers. But again, there's a big possibility that your competitors will be the one to report to the search engines. I hate this idea of "reporting others" just as much as I don't understand businesses that risk doing black SEO, but I guess all is part of the game
(which I rather don't play). I dont think you will get banned for shady SEO practices, rather you will get sandboxed which sucks majorly as well... Sites get banned more for fishing methods and the like. Maybe these sites have done terribly illegal doing that's why they are banned. This is the risk of doing unethical doing to promote or improve the rankings of a website.